New Mahogany Glider project
Improving habitat to help the endangered mahogany glider...
Improving habitat to help the endangered mahogany glider...
Workshops to improve threatened ecological communities...
Eroding streambanks, gullies and hillslopes to be targeted
New focus on forests from the coast to the mountain tops
More than 100 kms of habitat opened up for popular fish species
Aerial surveys have been completed at the top end of the Tully and Murray catchments...
More about our new project to help the critically-endangered mountain-top nursery frog...
Have you seen stevia in the Ravenshoe-Herberton region? It's an invasive weed and it's flowering.
We've secured funding for a project focused on the mountain-top nursery frog.
The search is on for pond apple in the Murray Upper region, where aerial surveys will begin soon.