Tree rootballs part of erosion solution
Erosion on the Herbert River being fixed with the rootballs of trees
Erosion on the Herbert River being fixed with the rootballs of trees
A whole-of-catchment approach, recent workshops...
Let's all go back to 'waste not, want not' and add innovation...
Eroding streambanks, gullies and hillslopes to be targeted
New focus on forests from the coast to the mountain tops
More than 100 kms of habitat opened up for popular fish species
Fast-tracking 'high value regrowth' is a more cost-effective here...
How 7 years of projects solved erosion problems, helping landholders and the Reef...
Monitoring at two constructed wetlands on farmland is helping to maximise their impact...
Aerial surveys have been completed at the top end of the Tully and Murray catchments...