Grazing Workshops with Dick Richardson


Join us in the Tarzali region for two grazing workshops with Dick Richardson on Tuesday 9 April and Wednesday 10 April…

Graziers from across the region are encouraged to come to these free events, which will focus on ways to optimise cattle and pasture performance.

Terrain NRM is bringing grazing guru Dick Richardson back to the region for these events – the first for those who haven’t been to one of his workshops before, or want a refresher, and the second for those who’ve been before and want to delve deeper.  We will be looking at everything from reading animal, dung and pasture condition to stock movement and assessing feed availability.

Dick Richardson is an internationally recognised leader in natural grazing principles to improve soil depth, water retention, biodiversity and animal production.

He has been helping graziers in our region for more than five years.

During the workshops, which will run from 9am to 3:30pm, there will also be plenty of time to ask questions, share experiences and ideas.

These events are part of our Upper Herbert Sediment Reduction Project, funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

The Herbert catchment is one of the top three contributors of fine sediment flowing to the reef. This project aims to reduce fine sediment loads entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon from the Herbert River Basin, by targeting priority erosion hot spots and high-risk areas with a combination of construction works and agricultural extension support for farmers.

Register for a workshop, or find out more, by emailing Terrain NRM’s Duncan Buckle at or calling Terrain NRM on (07) 4043 8000.

For those who haven’t been to a Dick Richardson workshop before, here are three short videos featuring Dick and focused on soil health in the grazing world.

Why is Soil Health Important?

How to Tell if your Soil and Pasture is Healthy

Using Grazing to Improve your Soil’s Health

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