Hunt for stevia (candy leaf)
Have you seen stevia in the Ravenshoe-Herberton region? It's an invasive weed and it's flowering.
Have you seen stevia in the Ravenshoe-Herberton region? It's an invasive weed and it's flowering.
Super spreader feral pigs no match for ground teams tackling pond apple!
Councils are trialling different methods to protect rainforest and restore creekside vegetation.
A new $250,000 Rainforest Resilience grants round is opening...
Hundreds of trees and rushes are being planted at South Cedar Creek in a war against weeds...
Beetles could be the answer to an invasive weed found on the Tablelands, in Kuranda and Cairns.
Yellow-bellied gliders and native frogs are on the wish-list for a Ravenshoe creek reserve