Tully farmers – you’re invited to attend the Tully Sustainable Farming Day at the Showgrounds on March 17, from 8.30am – 1pm.
Hear about Tully farming progams, including Sugar Research Australia’s Cane to Creek Project and the Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project.
Get information on Paddock 2 Reef, the latest Wet Tropics Report Card and upcoming Terrain NRM projects.
Agribusiness displays from Liquaforce, Mirriwinni Lime, Farmacist, NuFarm, T.R.A.P. Services, Grower Support and more!
See short talks from Green Collar (Reef Credits), Cassowary Coast Regional Council (pig management), Tully Sugar (pre-harvest testing service).
Useful lucky door prizes up-for-grabs and morning tea and lunch will be provided.
RSVP is ESSENTIAL. Contact Maria Ribbeck from Tully Canegrowers on 0436 634 411 or maria_ribbeck@canegrowers.com.au
Event Program:
8.00am – 8.30am – Arrival, COVID-safe check-in to event
8.30am – 10am – Exhibitor presentations
10.10am – 10.40am – Morning Tea
10.40am – 11am- Welcome from Tully Canegrowers, Tully Sugar and Australian Banana Growers Council
11am – 12pm – Guest speaker presentations (Sugar Research Australia and the Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project)
12pm – 12.45pm BBQ Lunch
12.45 – 1.15pm – Lucky door raffle draw
1.30pm – 3.30pm – Where’s my N? workshop with David Hardwick from Soil Land Food.
This event is organised by the Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project, Tully Canegrowers, Tully Sugar Ltd, Sugar Research Australia and Australian Banana Growers’ Council.
Please help us make the Tully Sustainable Farming Day 2021 a COVID-19 safe event by complying with our COVID-safe rules before, during and after the event.
You can expect the usual Covid-19 questions as you enter the pavilion:
- In the last 14 days have you travelled from overseas or a COVID-19 hotspot? Have you been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19?
- Are you an active COVID-19 case?
- Are you currently experiencing, or have you recently experienced, a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, vomiting, diarrhoea or shortness of breath? Do you have COVID-19 symptoms?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, please stay at home! We have the right to refuse service and will unfortunately insist that you leave the venue.
Help us by arriving half hour before the event starts to minimise delays at entrance as we go through the screening process. Please be patient and avoid crowding the entrance. Wait until the queue has cleared.
We all have a personal responsibility to maintain physical distance although we have measures in place throughout the event to make sure we all #StaySafe and free from outbreaks.
Please remember that an unexpected COVID outbreak could mean we have to cancel the event.