Upper Herbert: Your NRM Priorities


We’re doing the rounds asking Wet Tropics residents their top priorities for natural resource management – and people in the Upper Herbert region were the first to speak up.

Thanks to everyone who got involved. The top-three priorities in the Upper Herbert are:

  • Managing erosion to improve water quality.
  • Using grazing best management practices to improve productivity and landscape health.
  • Managing weeds and pests.

An all-of-region update is part of our review of the Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country. We’ll have results from the Southern Tablelands soon and we’ll be working across the Wet Tropics in coming months, so stay tuned and get involved.

The full list of Upper Herbert priorities identified by the community is online here and the community’s plan is available here.

The Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country will undergo a major review every five years.

The Plan includes priority actions for each area in the Wet Tropics region, which includes Ingham, the Cassowary Coast, Tablelands, Upper Herbert, Cairns and Mossman-Port Douglas. It’s the basis for decision-making at all levels – from land managers and community groups to investors and government.

Terrain NRM is custodian of the natural resource management plan, which is community-driven and supported by scientific and technical information. It is online at www.wettropicsplan.org.au

Have your say via our survey. You can also contact Bronwyn Robertson at nrmplan@terrain.org.au

This project is supported by Terrain NRM through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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