The Wet Tropics Plan for People & Country is an award-winning NRM plan that outlines the community’s priorities for environmental funding, projects and activities in the region, with regards to protecting and restoring its natural resources. It covers the entire region from the Herbert River in the south to the Daintree in the north and the Atherton Tablelands in the west.


The purpose of this community-based plan is to guide decision makers involved in natural resource management including policy-makers, investors, community groups, local government and land managers.

One of the biggest challenges for natural resource management is reconciling sometimes competing objectives – environmental protection, sustainable use of resources, community well-being  and economic development.

In developing this regional NRM plan, people came together from different sectors with varying goals and interests to agree on where to focus investment and effort.

The plan is divided into 7 themes:

  • Biodiversity
  • Biosecurity
  • Water
  • Sustainable Industries
  • Coastal Systems
  • Climate Futures
  • Cultural Connections

The plan’s development was led by Terrain NRM and included extensive consultation. Community input is sought periodically to review progress and update priorities to ensure it remains current.


The ecosystems of the Wet Tropics region have evolved over thousands of years through active Aboriginal interaction with the land.

Given the strong connection between culture and the natural ecosystems of the Wet Tropics, Rainforest Aboriginal People play a vital role in the protection and management of our natural resources. Cultural Connections is one of the overarching themes within the Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country.


The Wet Tropics Plan for People & Country can be accessed via the website This website includes an extensive information hub and practical online mapping tools.


For more information about the plan, or advice on using its online interactive tools in project planning, contact Bronwyn Robertson at Terrain NRM on 4043 8000.


New Mahogany Glider project

New Mahogany Glider project

Biodiversity Template 1
Improving habitat to help the endangered mahogany glider...
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Improving water quality

Improving water quality

Template 1 Water
140+ people from across the region join workshops...
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Forest resilience workshops

Forest resilience workshops

Biodiversity Template 1
Workshops to improve threatened ecological communities...
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