Wet Tropics Water Quality Science Forum – Ingham

Since 2009 the Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program (P2R) has been looking at changes in contaminant loads and linking on-ground practice changes with water quality and flow data.

It brings the work of many projects together, providing a framework for evaluating and reporting on progress to the 2025 targets in the 2050 Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan.

Yearly water quality science forums provide an opportunity for farmers and extension officers to hear directly from the scientists behind the science, and will include an update on the Scientific Consensus Statement review.

The Ingham forum is specifically focused on the Herbert region.

The forum is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland government’s Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program and the Natural Resources Investment Program.

Farmers are invited to attend the in-person forum:

Thursday 24 March at the Royal Hotel Ingham

8am – 12:30pm (free breakfast 7am-8am)

RSVPs essential by Monday 21 March to renee.young@terrain.org.au or 0417 609 681.

Please note that attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination or medical exemption.

Presentations include:

  • What the science is telling us about the Herbert catchment
  • How the Herbert scored in the regional waterway health report card
  • Condition of inshore coral reefs in the Herbert–Tully region
  • Using precision ag (drones) for N management
  • Reviewing management practice adoption targets for cane
  • Enhanced efficiency fertiliser trials
  • Pesticide loads monitoring for cane farmers

Extension officers and industry representatives are invited to attend an online Zoom meeting

Wednesday 23 March, from 1pm – 3pm.

Attendees are required to register for the meeting.

Presentations include:

  • What is P2R and what is reporting? (A deep dive into P2R)
  • How does the modelling work and what is it telling us?
  • Projector App – attribution of mill mud and NUE


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